lundi 28 avril 2008

A la veille de la Présidence française, le bilan de la construction européenne s’avère calamiteux.
Dans le domaine politique, l’Union européenne compromet l’avenir de notre civilisation par le biais d’une immigration et d’une islamisation massive. Au vu de ce phénomène inédit, le grand historien américain, Bernard Lewis, en a conclu que l’Europe serait la partie occidentale du monde arabe avant la fin du siècle. En effet, les calculs de la Free World Academy montrent qu’en tenant compte de l’élargissement à la Turquie et du maintien des paramètres actuels en matière d’immigration et de natalité, la population de culture musulmane devrait représenter 53% de la population globale de l’Union en 2100.

Pour faciliter l’intégration de cette immigration voulue par l’élite mondialisée, l’Union a renoncé à toute identité européenne en récusant ses racines communes। Les identités nationales ont été stigmatisées au profit d’une société fondée sur le communautarisme et qui débouche sur la tiers-mondisation en guise de globalisation. A présent, la Commission s’efforce d’interdire la moindre critique de l’islam. Par exemple, elle vient de menacer les juges turcs qui voulaient protéger leur constitution face à un gouvernement qui remet en cause la laïcité en autorisant le port du voile à l’Université.

Since the 18th and the Enlightenment, Europe has been the cradle of Civilization ( Freedom-Reason- Technical progress-Pursuit of Happiness). Europe has conquered quite the entire world in building vast colonial empires and its migrants have settled in new continents such as North and South America or Australia. Then, Europe lost its empires. Nevertheless, most of the world culture in civilized countries is still a legacy of the European Enlightenment. As a result this survey focuses on Civilization and cultures.

According to our diagnosis, the European Union suffers of four symptoms: Firstly, the incapacity to find a common identity; secondly, the declined population (470 million in 2004-460 in 2030 ) is a pretext for massive migrations; Thirdly, a huge unemployment in spite of a GNI which attains 12,000 $Billion in 2004 and is expected to reach about 18,000 in 2030; Fourth, a bad governance characterized by a lack of common vision and a series of wrong decisions.

These bad symptoms are related to an ideological fact: The European Union has given up its values and has surrendered to the cultural relativism. As a result of this capitulation, Europe suffers a mental depression which explains the present situation. Moreover, it opens the road to the Islamization of Europe.

In an interview in July 2004, the famous Princeton Historian Bernard Lewis was asked if the European Union could serve as a global counterweight to the United States in the future. He answered “ No. It could not serve as such because it would be a part of the Arabic west by the end of this century!”. You may ask: Why does it matter? In fact, it matters because Fundamentalism is everywhere on the increase. It is a problem of resistance facing the surge of a dark ideology. Unfortunately, the European mood prevents any resistance.

Clearly, the European Civilization is going to commit suicide.